Define the missing method. use "this" to distinguish the local member from the parameter name.


2 min read

In this article we will see why we get the message "Define the missing method. Use "this" to distinguish the local member from the parameter name".

I started learning java a few days back. Now I am working on the object-oriented part, and learning the Object and Instance. I figure out the (this.) term in java. What does “this” mean in java? What does it do? Moreover, there are two types of ‘’’THIS’ here I can see. One is “this” and the other one is “this.” Image description

##Solution ‘this’ is a reference variable in java that refers to the current object of the main method. Let’s make it clear with an example below:

 class MyClass 
            int x; 
            int y; 

            MyClass(int x, int y) 
                this.x = x; 
                this.y = y; 

            void display() 
                System.out.println("X = " + x + "  Y = " + y); 

            public static void main(String[] args) 
                MyClass object = new MyClass(5, 10); 

As you can see above we have an instance variable X and Y under MyClass. We also have a constructor that is parameterized by the variable X and Y. The (this.) keyword refers to the values of the two instance variables inside our constructor

After that, we used our constructor by creating a new object ‘object’ inside the main function which leads us through getting the output

##Conclusion So we discussed with an example how to get around the issue of defining the missing method. Use "this" to distinguish the local member from the parameter name. I hope it helped. Happy coding and happy exploring.